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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Xentera GT 4 vs GT8
Zed   2006-02-19 14:16
Have followed many posts and links here that have greatly increased my knowledge. Currently run 6 mon system, need 8 and with better system efficiency.

Here the operation, 7 monitors running seperate slideshows of photos. That's not hard but photos are 8 megapixels and I don't have time to thumbnail.

I do sales with the system. When I went to 6 mons the system started slowing and I confirmed that photo size greatly changes system load.

Here's the question. Would I be ok with the xentera gt 8 in my current system which is standard pci. Will this work better than four individual pci cards?

I am a small company, cost is a big issue.

If I must, I will get the Asus an8 with dual core and dual 16x pci slots and use two Xentera GT 4's, but that's a BUTLOAD of money.

Christian Studer   2006-02-20 08:16
If you only have the problem with the large files, the bottleneck is most likely the processor and not the video cards, due to the increased CPU usage when the images need to be downscaled to fit on the monitor.

Christian Studer -
Zed   2006-02-20 13:14
The bottleneck is maybe 30% photo size with the system I have. I wonder about the difference between four video cards, vga and dvi, and using the single pci Xentera gt 8.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Xentera GT 4 vs GT8

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