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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitor Settings lost on restart, revert to defaults
Justin   2006-02-22 13:08
I am running an external LCD with my laptop and a GeForce FX Go5200. On every restart the external monitor no longer receives a signal, I have to go into display settings and extend my desktop and position the screens. Any Help???
Ties   2006-02-23 18:13
I'm have the same type of trouble with my Dell D410 notebook which I'm using in extended desktop mode with an external monitor with a different resolution. Most times (but not always!?) the relative screen position is lost (and reset to default, side by side), sometimes (but mostly not) the different screen resolution of the external monitor (1280x1024) is reset to default (1024x768). Surprisingly sometimes all display settings keep intact, but I cannot get a finger on it where actually to fix these values. I have the idea that it has something to do with the WinXP-like 'automatic hardware detection', as when I start up my notebook, sometimes this external monitor is connected, but sometimes not. I'm looking around for some time to resolve this, but until now no luck.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitor Settings lost on restart, revert to defaults

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