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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MS Flt Sim 9 with two monitors
heliman   2006-02-25 04:49
My system: Dell XPS600 Pentium D, 3.0GHz, 2Gig RAM, nVidia 6800 video card. Primary monitor a Dell 20" flat panel and second mon is a Dell 17" D1226H analog.

I've got dual monitors set up and running just fine with UltraMon. Only one thing I have been unable to accomplish: Fly the flight sim on my primary monitor while simultaneously running the addon program FS Nav (by Helge Schroeder) on the 2nd monitor.

I have seen several comments here in the forum where people say it can be done, but I have been totally unsuccessful so far.

After hitting the hotkey (F9) to bring up FS Nav, FSNav appears. I undock it and move it to the secondary monitor. If I hit F9 again to go back to the sim on primary monitor, FSNav disappears. It seems one cannot run the two programs at the same time. However, I can undock such things as the radio panel, GPS, etc to the secondary monitor and at the same time have the "flying" sim running on the primary.

If anyone can tell me how it is done, I will be eternally grateful.

heliman   2006-02-26 01:06
Here I go again answering my own questions.

Here's how to do it: First, set up the hotkey in the UltraMon Options to "Move Windows to Next Monitor". Start FS9 and run it in windowed mode (alt+enter). Hit the F9 key to bring up FSNav. Now, hit the UltraMon hotkey mentioned above. Voila'! You're now in business.
Unfortunately, if you customarily put your radio stack, GPS, etc. over on the secondary monitor, they will be hidden under the FSNav window. But, for me, that's an OK tradeoff.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MS Flt Sim 9 with two monitors

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