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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor system help
Alex   2006-02-26 02:21
I would like to have a 3 monitor system with TV capabilities.
I'm thinking about buying a ATI ALL-IN-WONDER 2006 EDITION 256MB AGP 4X/8X DUAL for $167 or for half the cost the ATI RADEON 9600 PRO 256MB AGP 8X DDR w/TV & DVI for $80.
1.Will these cards be a good primary card for a 3 independent display system that will also have TV capabilities?
2.Is it worth spending the extra money for the 2006 card?
3.What other card/cards should I use for the 3rd monitor?
ECarlson   2006-02-26 02:46
This might not be true any more, but the All-in-wonder TV functions often didn't work when you added in a second video card.

You might want to consider using regular video cards, and adding a separate TV card.

Also, you might want to make sure that you will be able to display the TV image to the monitor you want to display it on. Depending on the overlay capabilities of your video cards and on your TV software, sometimes you are limited to which monitors the TV image will display on.

And, pay attention to where the video is processed -- in hardware or in software -- which depends on the TV card you buy.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor system help

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