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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi Monitor Support - One onboard, One card
Jeff   2006-03-03 04:49
I recently bought an HP A1130N and am quite happy with it, but it's onboard chipset (ATI Radeon XPress 200) seems to get disabled when I add in a second card (albeit an older ATI All In Wonder Pro PCI - not PCI-E). XP-MCE, 1gb ram, plenty of disk space...

When I do that the bios switches to the ATI as primary and completely disables the onboard, however the ATI card seems to work just fine as a simple vid card then...

I can go in the bios and switch the onboard video back to primary, in which case it works again, but then the AIW card shows up with the dreaded explanation point in device manager. I can't get the original ATI software to load (it is too old) and download recent hydravision packs from ATI doesn't help either.

I've read the forums and many complain about problems with onboard+card. So, the question is, am I screwed and never going to be able to use the onboard and therefore need to either buy a dual head PCI-E card, or a second additional card to use with the ATI, or is there hope of still using the onboard + some other newer single head card (with correct drivers that were written in this millenium).

Thanks - Jeff Cutter
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi Monitor Support - One onboard, One card

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