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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 7800gtx PCI-E, Need to pair with PCI gfx card
lowrider007   2006-03-03 11:08
Hello all

Really glad I found this forum,

I have an Intel motherboard with 1 PCI-E slot and 4 PCI slots, the PCI-E slot is currently being taken up by my 7800GTX, Please could someone advise me on a dual head PCI gfx card that might have a good chance working with my 7800GTX (PCI-E), I would like to have 4 of my tft's running althougth I will settle for 3 if need be (better that than 2, lol) I know mix and matching gfx cards is'nt an exact science but any help on what cards to try with my setup would be greatly apprecaited

MasteR   2006-03-05 02:28
Best move would be to grab a PCI FX5200. Its not going to let you play the latest games spread over 4 monitors, but they work nicely with other nvidia hardware, and have plenty of grunt to fuel older games (Perfect for 4 monitor flight simming) and desktop tasks. Pretty much no new performance cards are made on the aging PCI bus, so the FX5200 is pretty much the leader of the pack.
lowrider007   2006-03-05 09:51
cheers mate i'll try giving a fx5200 ago, just have to find one on the bay, I'm really bothered about running anything adavnced on the axtra screens its mainly for chat/msn stock and news feeds etc.

lowrider007   2006-03-05 09:59

EDIT - Sorry I mean't to say "I'm _NOT_ really bothered about running anything advanced on the axtra screens its mainly for chat/msn stock and news feeds etc, anyways cheers, I'll update the thread if I have any succcess with FX5200-PCI running with my 7800GTX PCI-E.

john   2006-03-14 23:49
I found that pcie cards do not work with pci cards on my pavillion a1350n with an amd chip. even if both are nvidia. hp even verified only one type of card with work, pci or pcie but not both at the same time
Doug   2006-03-24 06:18
lowrider, did you get this card yet? did it work?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 7800gtx PCI-E, Need to pair with PCI gfx card

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