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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remebering an LCD upon startup
Chull   2006-03-06 02:03
Ok - Love UltraMon!
I have a 3 mon system which would be 4 if I could figure out where to fit my 4th which is a crt.
My Problem:
I have two CRT's and one LCD.
Upon System startup the CRT come on with power up, but I have to press the on button on the LCD for it to power up.
If I don't power up the LCD soon enough they system assumes that I have only two Monitors and I have to reset it all.
Is there anyway thru UltraMon or Windows to get the system to remember my LCD even when it is not powered up?
I turn my system on either from my bedside or automaticly thru X-10, and just hate to get out of bed to turn on the LCD so soon in the am!! : )
Christian Studer   2006-03-07 08:13
UltraMon won't help with this, I'm also not aware of any other way to do this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remebering an LCD upon startup

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