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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors with 2 cards (2 span/1 main)?
EH1524   2006-03-07 05:06
I currently have the following setup:

AMD 64 2.8
ATI 9600 (1 VGA, 1 DVI) (AGP Slot)
ATI 128MB PCI Video card (just installed)

(2) Dell 20" widescreen LCD's (both have VGA&DVI)
(1) 19" Viewsonic CRT (VGA)

I am currently using the 9600 with both LCD's, one on VGA, the other on DVI.

I purchased the other video card to add the 19" CRT in another section of my office as an additional monitor. My dilema is as follows:

How can I use the 2 LCD's as I have them now, spanning across so I can move windows back and forth, and also use the CRT in another location as a single monitor while being able to view the start menu, running items, and taskbar on one of the LCD's as well as the CRT? In other words, I want to use the LCD's as two spread monitors, then use the CRT at another desk as a single monitor (be able to view the full screen without losing windows over to any of the other two LCD's). Somewhat like a clone, but if I clone the CRT, will it clone only 1 LCD (part of the desktop) or both LCD's as one (the entire work area)?

I hope I didn't make that too confusing. I've read alot of the forum posts and got tons of good information, but I have not been able to find a good way to do this. Like I mentioned I just purchased the second card, so I have not had much time to mess around with it. I was hoping to find a solution here first. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Christian Studer   2006-03-07 08:18
If you want to clone the primary monitor on the CRT, you could connect it to the AGP video card and use the video card's clone mode. The second LCD would be connected to the PCI video card.

But if you want to be able to run different applications on the two monitors, you might need something like BeTwin.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors with 2 cards (2 span/1 main)?

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