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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which Multi Mon graphics card does 1 streched Video across 8 Screens???
Thomas   2006-03-07 19:45

for a project we are trying to run a video (in GDI mode/ on desktop) across 8 LCD screens.

We were alreeady trying this with:
- 2 Matrox G450 MMS Quad
- 2 Matrox QID low-profile PCI

Bot cards have major problems with speed and accuracy of frames per second to display the videos without "interrupts".

The MMS does have only 1 HW-Overlay on the first Monitor.

The website of Matrox says about the QID to have "Quad overlay support for video content on all four screens". But this does not work OR we did not get it to run.

Has anyone experience with these cards above OR with ANY competitor card that can show 1 Video (with Media Player on XP) across 8 screens?

Any help would be highly appriciated.

Thanks for any ideas,
MatrixV   2006-03-08 02:16
There is no such media player that can display video across all the screens. For Matrox graphics card, it can really span all the separated monitors to make a entire virtual screen and M$ Windows can really treat them as a desktop just like a physical screen, but when it plays a video, its display efficiency is too low with very low framerate and image quantity, because it does not use hardware accelerating feature.
Thomas   2006-03-08 06:13
Yes, that's true. The performance of both cards is not as desired.
has anybody any other card in mind that does hardware overlay to be able to run 1 player across 8 monitors with a mpeg-1, ompeg-2 or wmv file?

Thanks for any ideas,
MatrixV   2006-03-08 12:35
I think there is no such card that can really use hardware directdraw overlay function spanning all screens. As I know, Matrox card is the best at multiple monitors on 2D hardware surport, but it can not do that also.

SAI   2006-03-19 21:09
I have tried stretching video across 4 monitors. You need to have a software that can support it. After trying many times, I tried hero player from They have a video player that support multi-monitor.
Athlon   2006-03-21 02:45
But the heroplayer can only support VCD/DVD playing, if I would like to play other video files such as divx, how can I do with it?
MultiHeader   2007-10-15 06:44
Colorgraphic has an 8-head card [with ATI chipsets]:

There is also a British company, Datapath, which can build 8+ head systems [with S3/Savage chipsets], but they don't advertise prices [I believe that you have to purchase through "dealers", and it looks like their systems can be very, very expensive]:
Greg Walters   2007-10-17 07:43
The Xentera GT line has been discontinued for 2 years now - replaced with the ATI FireMV line. Quicktime movies would be the only only way to get a video to play across multiple monitors.

Greg Walters
Operations Manager
anthonyDotNet   2007-10-18 12:58
Did you try videolan?

There's also a video wall filter with that you could setup for rows and columns of screens that split the one movie up into.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which Multi Mon graphics card does 1 streched Video across 8 Screens???

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