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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> can i use 2 GEforce 6600 SLi cards to run 3 monitors?
sarge117   2006-03-10 20:08
im in the middle of making a new tower from scratch, and i was wondering on get 2 more screens and having a 3 monitor set-up. i looked around and the only way i can think of doing this is to have two Geforce 6600 SLi cards so as to have 4 screen ports. (2 DVI 2 VGA). now i know youcan set SLi to work on there own or as one "Super card". so if i set them to work on there own will this mean i can run the 3 screens with ultramon?

SARGE was 'here

ECarlson   2006-03-11 03:28
There are lots of ways to get 3 monitors, and the way you describe (using 2 dual-out cards) is one of them. Though if you plan to play 3D games across 3 monitors, that is another issue, and there are lots of posts about that in these forums.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2006-03-11 03:34
And, you don't need UltraMon to use 3 monitors. UltraMon doesn't create the ability to run multiple monitors. UltraMon adds features that make multi-monitors more useful, but Windows handles the multi-monitors itself.

- Eric,
zima   2006-03-16 04:44
sarge117, you can do that...but only after disabling SLI.
zima   2006-03-16 04:45
PS. Or you can into using Matrox TripleHead2Go.
Seahorse   2006-03-18 04:44
Which isn't in the shops yet...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
zima   2006-03-18 10:13
I know there's a lot of rush in the computer industry...but c'mon.
Hex234   2006-06-06 07:39
If you put the cards in SLi, is it still possible to use more than two monitors?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> can i use 2 GEforce 6600 SLi cards to run 3 monitors?

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