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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2000 and All-In-Wonder Radeon
Charcaroth   2001-07-15 07:14
Applicable parts of my system:

Athlon T-bird 800
Abit KA7 w/ VIA KX133
ATI All-in-Wonder Radeon PCI vid card
on 19" Cybervision C92 monitor @ 1152x864x16bit
3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP vid card
on old 14" Dell VGA mon. @ 640x480x256colors
SB Live Value PCI

I have an AGP Voodoo3 3000 that I wish to use as a secondary video (on an old 14" vga monitor) and a PCI ATI All-in-Wonder Radeon card that I wish to use as the primary video card on a 19" Cybervision monitor. I am running multiple Microsloth OS's. In Windows 98 and Windows ME (surprisingly), I have no problem configuring the hardware. I boot with the setting in the bios for PCI/AGP video predominance turned to PCI and every app works perfectly.

However in windows 2000, the system simply WILL NOT go into windows 2000 if the PCI card is given dominance in the BIOS. Once past the boot manager, the screen falls dark and the hard drive stops spinning. It will engage fine if the setting is given to the AGP voodoo3 card. I can go into windows 2000 and the AGP voodoo 3 card displays on the 14" while the PCI All-in-Wonder Radeon happily takes up residence on the secondary. I can run any application normally as one would expect BUT The problem with running in this mode is two-fold 1) I'd have to change a bios setting every time I wanted to switch OS's. AND 2) the TV and DVD features of the All-In-Wonder PCI card will not work if this card is not the primary. I have tried removing both the AGP card and the voodoo drivers multiple times. Sometimes the one, and sometimes the other, but the problem remains. The system in 2000 simply doesn't seem to want to display on the ATI card unless it's set up as a secondary, even in safe mode. I've even tried removing the AGP card and installing win2000 over itself, but even that won't initialize on the PCI ATI card.

If anyone has suggestions, I'm open to them. I have read on the MS site about solutions involving the disabling of the VGA bios on the secondary card, but have been unable to locate such a dip switch on either video card, nor do I see its relevance since both work fine in 98 and ME. Thanks for your time and efforts.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2000 and All-In-Wonder Radeon

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