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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors with one monitor auto-rotatable wallpaper/aspect ratio issues
M00rtyn   2006-03-15 02:51
I have two displays:
1) 1280x1024
2) 1680x1050 rotatable to 1050x1680

When I set up the wallpaper when the screen is landscape everything is great, but when I rotate the screen, Ultramon does its job and auto scales, which of course gives a horribly stretched image. (Landscape image stretched to a portrait view). Is there a way anyone has found to get around this and automate the process? I don't want to change Display Profiles AND change wallpapers manually every time I rotate the screen (which is often enough to be annoying).
Christian Studer   2006-03-15 09:41
You could apply the display profile and load the new wallpaper from a single batch file:start "" /wait "%ProgramFiles%\UltraMon\UltraMonShortcuts.exe" /l %APPDATA%\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\Profiles\My Portrait Profile.umprofile "%ProgramFiles%\UltraMon\UltraMonDesktop.exe" /load %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Wallpapers\My Portrait Wallpaper.wallpaper

Christian Studer -
M00rtyn   2006-03-18 16:00
oo thanks, that is a pretty nice fix.

I have a feature request. Its just a request of course. It would be really nice to have UltraMon automatically sense resolution changes. The ideal thing would be for it to manage different wallpapers for different resolutions; however, it would be good enough if it could launch a certain script or application when the resolution gets changed to a predefined setting. Thanks to this, one could just change resoltuions/rotate a monitor from portrait to landscape and not have to worry about hitting keys to correct the wallpaper.
Christian Studer   2006-03-19 11:30
Thanks for the suggestion, will be considered for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
WishMaster2020   2006-05-19 18:46
I have the same setup - 1280x1024 (Left) and 1650x1080 (Center) (I have 3 monitors but hte right one is on aanother computer) but the wallpaper is in the wrong order... i've had this setup for about 2 months and has no problem, the 1280 is on the left and the 1650 is on the right.

when the 1280 is primary (i DONT want it to be) the wallpapers are in the correct order. When the center is primary (Desired setting) it displays the wallpaper for the monitor on the right and some of its own. So essentially, it seems the program is failing to reconfigure the wallpaper for the correct monitors. They show up correctly in the Ultramon Desktop wallaper tab, assigned to the correct monitors in the correct position in the correct resoltuion. But my true wallpaper is all f00bed.
WishMaster2020   2006-05-19 18:48
I had this setup working fine for like a year, but i reinstalled my OS a couple days ago and it's acting wierd. I reinstalled Ultramon again just in case and upgraded from 2.5 to 2.6 with no effect... the wallpapers look fine if i adjust the settings and put the 1280 monitor on the right... but navigating my desktop with my arrow is silly that way... it should work the other way around properly...
WishMaster2020   2006-05-19 18:49
Wallpaper for monitor 2 Wallpaper for monitor 1 and part of monitor 2
WishMaster2020   2006-05-19 20:06
lol im going to reexplain this since i can't re-edit posts in this forum.

I have a 6800 GT OC.

Monitor 1 LEFT 19inch Samsung @ 1280x1024 VGA
Monitor 2 CENTER 21inch Gateway @ 1680x1050 straight DVI

When you hit identify in either Ultramon OR Win/nVidia they are listed as they are above, I'm reposting because the same thing was happening as i had described in my previous posts WHILE THE MONITORS WERE DESIGNATED 2 (Left Samsung) and 1 (Center Gateway). Switching identities didn't resolve the problem.

From other threads I'd decided that if I could get the monitors to switch identities then my wallpapers would be generated correctly. Prior to this problem, Ultramon would correctly generate wallpapers (backwards so to speak) so that the images would display properly on the correct monitors. Now it does not, here's the example:


When Monitor 1 (LEFT 19inch Samsung) is the primary monitor and virtually placed to the left of Monitor 2 (CENTER Widescreen 21inch Gateway), the wallpaper will display correctly. However, WHEN NO ADJUSTMENTS ARE MADE TO THE POSITIONS OF THE MONITORS but Monitor 2 is made the primary (as desired) the wallpapers will reverse. The wallpaper will begin on monitor 2 and move from left to right and then conclude on monitor 1 from left to right.

Switching around cables is not an option as Monitor 2 is widescreen and uses the DVI. Since the resoltuions are different it looks horrible or else I'd just deal with choosing opposite wallpapers.

Ultramon was generating wallpapers fine before, they were essentially reversed automatically, but they are now being generated as though the monitors were in opposite positions DESPITE ALL SETTINGS AND DRIVERS BEING SET PROPERLY. I managed to get it to work fine before, I even have it set up on a couple other computers in the same positions with varying resolutions and they work properly. Is there a setting I'm missing? Reinstalling and updating havn't helped.

Any information would be splendid. ^_^
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors with one monitor auto-rotatable wallpaper/aspect ratio issues

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