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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 21" Crts and my AGP PCI videocard problem from hell
Ben Smith   2006-03-23 15:15
System is a 3700 64 with 6800 GT gig of corsair ram, ATI 9250 256mb pci card. Im trying to run 3 monitors off that. Frustrating thing is iv had it working twice. However it doesnt hold up to a reboot. I am using latest omega drivers on ati card and Latest nvidia drivers on 6800. First time i plugged in pci card windows would crash gave me a blue screen and restart. I moved pci card to a differnt slot and it booted up just fine. I installed all drivers and had it working great with ultramon. How ever after system restart. The one monitor on the vga port of the pci card will boot up the two other monitors on the AGP card just sit there. Windows when it does boot on just the one pci card uses generic vga drivers and wont let me mess with display settings. I uninstalled the nvidia card rebooted and reinstalled drivers. It worked because it just decteted the new card. How ever after a restart the settings didnt hold and it went back to booting only on the Pci monitor and ignoring every thing agp. Any one have any ideas? Ill check back to see if any one needs clairfication as the way i have this hooked up is a bit confusing.
Seahorse   2006-03-23 21:09
Most people have little or no success using a mix of nVidia and ATI cards. You may need to replace your PCI card...:(

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Ben Smith   2006-03-24 04:15
The Frustrating thing is im not sure if its a driver issue or a hardware issue. The first time it worked all 3 monitors came on at post. Showed bios output and happly booted into windows. After a restart only the one mointor on the pci connection shows any information the rest stay inactive. thats where if i play with drivers i can get all 3 to some times play nice. But nothing holds up after restart.
Ben Smith   2006-03-24 15:58
I fixed it, Had the wrong bios setting, set it to boot AGP card first reinstalled drivers and every thing works great.
Seahorse   2006-03-24 22:19

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 21" Crts and my AGP PCI videocard problem from hell

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