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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 100% CPU use with second display?
Adam   2006-03-27 17:23
I have two Samsung 940b displays running on a Geforce 6800GT.

My problem is that the secondary display seems to lack any hardware acceleration. I can open a graphics intensive 3D application on the primary monitor and have flawless performance. When I move the window to the other display, the framerate instantly crashes and the CPU usage jumps to 100%. I can drag it back, and it will return to perfect performance.

I switched the primary display around to make sure it wasn't a monitor issue. Both displays are capable of running 3D applications when they are set as the primary display. When even a small sliver of the application is split onto the secondary display, the CPU jumps to 100% and both monitors experience choppiness. (Due to the CPU usages.)

I'm fairly certain is has to do with Hardware Acceleration. I have 4gb of Corsair RAM, and an AMD 64 2.5ghz processor. I can run 3D applications on the primary display while browsing the web on the other display. Also, it does not completely lock up, but drops from 70FPS to 6-7 FPS.

Is there a hidden checkbox somewhere? I am using Forceware 84.25's. (Latest drivers from Nvidia)

Thanks in advance,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 100% CPU use with second display?

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