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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple mice
mikkoata   2006-03-28 02:19
Ok, now I have 2 monitors and ultramon installed but is there any way that I could add another mouse int the system, and keep'em separated in own monitors?

Christian Studer   2006-03-29 00:03
I'm not aware of any way to do this. When you install a second mouse, the two mice will share the same pointer.

Christian Studer -
Tom   2006-04-04 16:21
takumi   2006-04-05 04:48
How about this?
You can use two mousepointers with one mouse.

I managed to hook up 20 monitors at last.
Christian Studer   2006-04-06 11:55
takumi, how did you get the 20 monitors working, anything special you needed to do?

Christian Studer -
takumi   2006-04-07 01:32
Hello, Mr.Studer.

I installed three G200MMSs,three G450 PCIs and one G450 AGP in one system.

Three G200MMSs can hook up twleve monitors,four G450s can hook up eight monitors.

In total the twenty monitors were hooked up in one system.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple mice

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