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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Just wanting advice
Daniel Jones   2006-04-02 07:42
I haven't done this before, so I want to make sure I'm not missing anything important...

I am setting up a lobby receptionist computer that will display the same images on two TV's that have VGA input (already wired to do so).

The receptionist can work separately on her screen. This will be an XP Professional machine.

I'm assuming I need 2 VGA cards, one for the primary screen for the receptionist to work on, the other has a Y splitter for the TV screens (always going to mirror each other). We will show DVD's and such on the TV's.

Am I missing something? If not, what kinds of cards to you recommend? I want to go for something that's not terribly expensive.. what should I watch out for?

Thanks so much,

Seahorse   2006-04-02 08:02
Any card with dual output happily drives 2 monitors (screens). Second card would drive 3 & 4 if you had them...

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ECarlson   2006-04-02 12:35
Please let us know how that works out, and how you make sure everything stays on the correct screen.

Personally, I would have used a second computer for the TV displays, so there would be no worry about showing the wrong (and potentially private) thing on the wrong screen, and to avoid any other kinds of conflicts.

Is there a particular reason you want to use the same computer for both tasks?

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Just wanting advice

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