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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> No multi - monitor support - Span only!
jonbev   2006-04-04 02:32
I have a Matrox G450 millenium dual head card, running on a PC with Windows 2000.

I can set up the extended desk top ( currently running at 3200x1200).

I need to run the system as 2 seperate monitors, but this mode basically treats the 2 displays as 1.

It really annoying as power point is split down the middle when running at full screen.

Am i missing something?
ECarlson   2006-04-04 15:24
I have the same card. You need to uninstall those drivers, and install the latest from the Matrox site. When you install the drivers, there's an option to install some extra multi-monitor support features (I don't remember the exact wording), and that is what you have to install for the regular Extended Desktop mode to work in Windows 2000 (which is what I am using also). After the drivers are installed, you have to go in and activate dual independent displays.

Also, if your G450 is really old, you might need to flash it with the latest BIOS. My card isn't that new, but it already had the "latest" BIOS, so it's not likely that you'll need the Matrox video card BIOS upgrade.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> No multi - monitor support - Span only!

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