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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Cards, 2 Monitors + TV, does not work (IRQ?)
Ray   2006-04-05 10:34
Hey everyone.

Short description of the setup that I am aiming for:
1 AGP Card (ATI Radeon 7500) with primary monitor and(!) TV connected to it
1 PCI Card (Matrox Millenium II) with 1 monitor connected to it

System: Win98SE, ASUS A7V266 mainboard, latest drivers for both cards.

The Problem: the AGP card works fine alone. When I insert the PCI card the system boots up, I can install the driver, I can setup the card, the second display comes alive with a short message like that it has been initialized and that I can activate it in the display configuration.
So far so good, but when I activate the monitor (#3 in Windows list, TV is #2) in the display dialog, the system freezes (from time to time more or less hard, but normal shutdown is never possible, explorer freezes etc.). After the reset (per hardware button), the system freezes before the login dialog (only thing that helps is rebooting in safe mode, remove the PCI card from the system configuration and reboot again).

What I've tried: another PCI card (ATI Rage II+, was actually my first shot), swapping PCI slots, setting PCI to primary in BIOS (which results in the AGP card not working at all, but PCI card works fine), deactivating everything unnecessary in BIOS ...
Assigning different IRQs in the BIOS seems to have no effect. No matter in what combination, both graphic cards always get assigned the same IRQ in Windows and when I try to change it manually, I cannot.
I have the feeling that this could be the problem., but I don't know how to get around :o ?!?

Anyone any suggestion?
Thanks in advance, Ray.
Crow   2006-04-05 19:35
Have you tried setting "PNP OS Installed" to NO in the BIOS?
This would lead to the BIOS assigning IRQs. Otherwise Windows would set them.
Ray   2006-04-05 22:29
I just checked and it was already set to NO. No luck there :(
Thanks for the answer anyway :)

Is it easier setting IRQs in WinXP? I am thinking since some time about switching, but never had a really good reason to do so ("never change a running system" ;)
Ray   2006-04-06 00:39
The hint with the PNP Bios was a little bit helpful after all: after switching it ON and swapping cards again, the graphic cards get different IRQs assigned. But this seems not to have been the prob after all.

Unfortionatly the problem stays:

1. AGP as first card: system boots, initializing card works, activating the second monitor in the PCI card leads to crash of Msgsrv32, after reset system hangs while booting

2. PCI card first: system boots, sees now both cards(!), but AGP card has a yellow "!" in the system manager: no resource conflicts shown but the message that at least one of the cards does not support multimonitor setups. From what I found in the net both cards support it, so I am beginning to think that the 2 cards just don't work together... :(

Again: thankful for any tip or advice :)
Tantalus   2006-04-06 00:44
>>Is it easier setting IRQs in WinXP? I am thinking since some time about switching, but never had a really good reason to do so ("never change a running system"

there are more options with assigning resources to peripherals under nt/w2k/xp than under win9x. i've used that same card (matrox millenium II) for many configurations and they've all been flawless though none have been under win9x.

if your pc has 1gb or more of ram (decent hardware), running an older OS like win9x/ME is a less than optimal choice, imo.
Ray   2006-04-06 09:32
Thanks for your answer! :)

Having not the most recent hardware (still dreaming of new hardware though :D ) and only 512MB ram I stayed a little bit longer on the old Win98 system.
I think I will try switching to XP in a few weeks (at the moment I really need a working computer for work and u never know what can go wrong during installations).
Maybe this will solve the problem... if noone else has a hint how to solve the problem in the meantime :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Cards, 2 Monitors + TV, does not work (IRQ?)

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