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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi Monitor vs Wide Screen
Keith   2006-04-12 05:19
Hello All

I work on a Service Desk and have to have many applications open at any one time.

Having asked for years for a bigger monitor they've gone one better and offered the us the choice between two 17" TFTs or Single, Large Widesceen TFT.

Having never used either I' be grateful if you guys can suggest which you'd pick and why?


Seahorse   2006-04-12 05:44
How large is large...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Keith   2006-04-12 06:01
I think about 23".
Seahorse   2006-04-12 07:37
2 x 17", most screen real estate, plus it's a no-brainer to have an application running on each monitor...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
jbigger   2006-04-12 10:52
keep in mind you will need a duel output gaphics card in the computer (or two video cards)
for 2 or more monitors. (could be a hidden cost)

I have 3 19" fp @ home and 2 19" fp @ work.
as far as which is better, as far as I can tell, the only factors are the graphic card requirement I mentioned above, and the monitor bezels split the screen down the middle.

Other then those considerations, I would shoot for the most screen realestate I could get.

ECarlson   2006-04-12 14:06
I use a pair of 17" LCD's at work, and it works out fine. I haven't tried a single 23" monitor, but I think I would prefer the additional real-estate of the dual 17's. My actual preference at work would be 2 or 3 (or even up to 6) 19" LCD's. The 19" LCD's have the same number of pixels as 17" LCD's (and are about the same price), but they are larger and easier to read.

I have a 19" LCD at home, along with a 17" CRT, which will eventually be replaced by a second 19" LCD.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi Monitor vs Wide Screen

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