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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can UltraMon do virtual array of monitors?
DaveA   2006-04-18 08:22
I have an application that can span monitors only horizontally. In WinXP I have all 6 monitors aligned 1-6 in a horizontal row. I want to be able to physically place my monitors in a 2 rows 3 column setup (monitor 1,2,3 on top row and 4,5,6 on bottom). This is the only way the software can run in a monitor array of 2x3. The software would have to be recoded from the ground up to change its behavior.

What I need to know is that can UltraMon be configured to so if my mouse is in monitor 1 and I move it to the bottom of the screen, it needs to jump to the top of monitor 4. The same goes for blocking the mouse on monitor 3 from traveling to the right to get to monitor 4 and vice versa.

Thanks for the info.
Christian Studer   2006-04-18 10:50
UltraMon can't do this, I'm also not aware of any other way to do this.

Christian Studer -
Josh   2006-04-18 11:09
I must be missing something here, or Christian missed something (I think it's me). Because to my understanding what you want is very easy and common.

To make the 2x3 setup and have them ouse able to move in between them in the correct fashion all you do is setup the monitors normally and then in windows right click the desktop->properties->settings. Then simply press the identify button to see which numebr is which, and then drag the monitors in this window to match with your physical monitor setup and press apply.

You can also do this exact same thing from within ultramon. If this isn't what you are looking for let me know, but from what I read it's what you need, sorry if I misunderstood.
ECarlson   2006-04-18 12:29
I was thinking the same thing. What happens to your app when you let Windows know your monitors are arranged 1,2,3 on top, and 4,5,6 on the bottom? Can't the app window be enlarged to fit the new 2x3 configuration just like most other app windows?

- Eric,
DaveA   2006-04-19 01:36
The app uses a non-standard windows interface.

Because of that, when the application is in multimonitor mode it can only add new screens in a horizontal plane.
Josh   2006-04-19 03:56
OK, so what happens when you try to expland to window across a 2x3 screen setup? 2x3 would be a horizontal plane. Or is it that it won't allow it to go off the top or bottom of a screen?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can UltraMon do virtual array of monitors?

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