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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple monitors
brian.feeser   2006-04-20 15:50
i am using 2 nvidia 7800gt and am running 3 monitors. im using ultramon to span my desktop across all 3. works fine. i can also get my screensavers to span across all 3. not cloning mode. in nview, it automically sets the mode to dual view. when i change it to span mode, it causes problems and my 3rd monitor becomes grayed out. i want to span across all three monitors in a game such as far cry or quake. all three of my monitors are the same. please help me.
ECarlson   2006-04-22 03:20
Span mode fools Windows into thinking you have one big monitor instead of 2 regular monitors, and span mode only works with monitors on the same card.

The only thing that might be possible in your situation, in regards to span mode, would be for 2 monitors to be in span mode, and the third to use regular extended desktop mode, so Windows would think you have 2 monitors: The spanned one, which is double-wide (really 2 physical monitors), and the other one, which is normal width (1 physical monitor).

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple monitors

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