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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Grouping displays?
Jon   2006-04-21 16:30

4 screens a 1280x1024 (arranged squared) should be grouped, resulting in a single quad-desktop 2560x2048

Is Ultramon able to do this? If not, any other suggestions regarding apps doing this trick?

Thanks a lot,
ECarlson   2006-04-22 03:24
In regular Windows Extended Desktop mode, you can have that arrangement for your desktop. Just go into Display Properties, and drag your monitors into that arrangement.

It won't work in "Span" mode, which is a hardware mode, where the video card fools Windows into seeing only one large monitor, unless you can find a 4 output video card that has that special span mode, but I have not yet heard of such a card.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2006-04-22 03:54
Okay, I found a card that can span 4 monitors, and can apparently span multiple cards, but it is a specialty card, with it's own special drivers.

It's the Datapath Vantage4.

ECarlson   2006-04-22 03:55
Okay, I found a card that can span 4 monitors, and can apparently span multiple cards, but it is a specialty card, with it's own special drivers.

It's the Datapath Vantage4.

Here's another interesting page.

I couldn't find pricing, but I imaging it is nowhere near inexpensive. And I don't know if they have any 3D capabilities since they are designed for video walls, and video overlays.

- Eric,
Jon   2006-04-22 06:09
so there is nothing a software can do in order to span a few single monitors into one large desktop (2x2 or 1x4 or 4x1 etc.)? This is a hardware/driver issue?
ECarlson   2006-04-22 08:45
As I said in my first post, your desktop can have that arrangement in Extended Desktop mode, which is the mode I use.

- Eric,
Jon   2006-04-22 10:55
2560x2048 out of 4 times 1280x1024? Not with my Windows actually... - of course I can arrange 4 screens in 2 rows/2 columns, but no single big one...
ECarlson   2006-04-22 13:20
I'm not sure what you mean. You can setup your Windows desktop to be 2x2 monitors, and the mouse will move properly between all the monitors, and the desktop will properly cover all 4 monitors. You will also be able to manually enlarge an application window to properly fill all 4 monitors.

What is it that your system can't do?

- Eric,
Jon   2006-04-23 06:29
4 screens should actually appear as ONE big screen in the display mgmt dialog...
ECarlson   2006-04-23 13:03
Yes, that is not possible with 2 dual out cards, except with specialized cards and drivers.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Grouping displays?

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