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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor/Dual graphic card & OpenGL
Charon   2006-04-23 06:44

I'm running a dual monitor/dual graphiccard setup (primary Ati AIW9800Pro AGP @ Acer2016(1680x1050), secundary Ati9250 PCI @ IIyama435(1280x1024). Reading some stuff here, OpenGL should run with hw-acceleration, but it doesn't.
ParticleIllusion/BorisRed run without OpenGL hw acceleration on primary screen/gc.
Used drivers: primary: Omega 2.6.87 based on Cat.5.12; secondary: default WinXP-sp2.

Oh, and disabling secondary with Ultramon: no go!

Charon   2006-04-23 07:20
Okay, problem seems to be solved: installed the Januari06 Omega drivers, OpenGL hardware accelleration is back on primary card! (AND, after running ParticleIllusion, and moving it to secondary monitor, it also seems to work on secondary!!!)

And I thougt this was only possible on NVidia or 3DLabs???
yair   2006-04-25 18:08
i am not sure it is realy opengl your getting, the [ is preaty clear about ati not working with full opengl across al screens.
i bought a radeon 9250, a pci and an agp, got it working with no sweat using latest forceware but that doesnt mean i can get hw opengl on secondery card.
please cheack again becuase i and others surrly will spend money after reading sucess stories like yours.
so.. revise the FAQ or get your story stright.

no bashing ment, just to keep information good
yair   2006-04-25 18:08
i ment the FAQ
is realy clear about that.
Charon   2006-04-28 00:02

I'll be a bit more specific.
Situation 1: No OpenGL on primary-> slow OpenGL preview with ParticleIllusion. Problem solved by instaaling new Omega.
Situation2: OpenGL (again) working on primary. Good preview with ParticleIllusion on primary card, also good preview (without losing speed) on seconday card/monitor.
Situation 3: OpenGL demo's: good on primary, not good on secondary. (As it should be according to the faq's)

And the question is: how about the perfect preview of ParticleIllusion on secondary card/mon as stated in situation 2?????
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor/Dual graphic card & OpenGL

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