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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors, one in portrait and one in landscape
Brad Lgz   2006-04-23 10:50
Hello I currently own a 214T samsung 21.3" LCD, its a great monitor but I was thinking about buying a second and I am not sure if this is possible:

I want to be able to use both monitors at the same time (which I know is possible) but I want one to be in potrait mode and one to be in landscape mode , i have never heard of anyone trying this, is it possible?


- Brad
ECarlson   2006-04-23 13:07
That all depends on your video card. Most cards that support dual monitors and rotation should support that. And of course a pair of single cards would be no problem, as long as the card on the rotated monitor supports rotation.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors, one in portrait and one in landscape

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