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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows 98 - Radeon 9250 extended display on two monitors
Peter Metham   2006-04-24 10:57
This concerns extended display using multiple monitors. O/S is Windows 98 SE. Video card is Radeon 9250 128MB (AGP with VGA, DVI and TV outlets)

I attached a second monitor to the DVI output of this card. According to ATI control panel this is an acceptable configuration. Control Panel/System/Device Manager/Display Adaptors is duly showing both a Radeon 9250 and a Radeon 9250 secondary.

My problem is that both monitors appear to be receiving identical output. When I click on the "1" on the monitor icon in {Control Panel}/{Display}/{Settings} I see a "1" on both monitors. Clicking on "2" has no effect and appears on neither monitor. I have ensured that both monitors are enabled. I have definitely clicked on 'extended display' for the second monitor.

I note that Windows 98 says that there must be one video card per monitor for this to work. Does this mean that extended display will NOT necessarily work if both video adaptors are on one card as per the case of the Radeon 9250 128MB card?

I also note that Windows 98 help says that "all the video adaptors ... must be devices that use drivers INCLUDED WITH WINDOWS 98." It goes onto give a list of adaptors that it supports in this way and the Radeon 9250 is not on that list. Does this mean I have no hope?

Peter Metham
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows 98 - Radeon 9250 extended display on two monitors

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