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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 9250 - Does it actually support 2 monitors with different resolutions
Peter Metham   2006-04-30 12:11
I have tried everything I can think of to get my Radeon 9250 to display in extended display mode.

One monitor is attached to the VGA out and the other to the DVI out. The spec for this card says it can display on two monitors with different resolutions. My two monitors always display the exact same thing from boot up to Windows 98.

I want to know if anyone has ever seen this card drive two monitors with different resolutions as per the makers claim.

Peter Metham
ECarlson   2006-04-30 13:20
Win98? Maybe the drivers only support Extended desktop in Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista. I assume you've tried the latest Win98 drivers for that card (assuming they still make Win98 drivers for it).

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 9250 - Does it actually support 2 monitors with different resolutions

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