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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> two monitors mirrored different resolutions
Josh   2006-05-05 10:03
I have a big screen tv I have been using as my secondary monitor and today I got an 18.1"lcd panel as the primary- I've read all over trying to figure out how to get the same screen on both monitors but at different resolutions, I need the LCD to be at 1024 and the big screen to be at 800 or I can't read anything on it. I read ultramon, could do it- I have it set, I think, as such- 1024 on primary and 800 on secondary; however, when I hit identify they both show a 1. the screen is visible on both monitors but they are both at 1024 despite the setting for 2 being 800- is it possible for me to have two different resolutions with the same screen visible- if so what am I doing wrong or how can I get it to work lol- hope this makes sense- I'm running a geforce fx 5200 agp card with vga out for the monitor and s-video to the big screen, I disabled the nvidia manger thing per one of these topics as well.
thanks for your time!

Josh   2006-05-05 10:41
i read a message below and it said to post un the ultramon forum, so I did that-- thanks

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> two monitors mirrored different resolutions

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