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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox dual or triple Head to GO.....
JOHN   2006-05-07 05:45
Wouldn't it be easy to have either matrox Dual or Triple head 2 go box??
Joe   2006-05-11 03:04
TripleHead2Go works great with three monitors for gaming, but I find that it's 2D desktop management is horrendous compared to UltraMon. You can't jump windows to different monitors (maximised or not), there are serious issues when fullscreening video (because your computer sees a single spanned display), etc. You can see my complaints about this here.

That's not to knock the TripleHead2Go, though; it is a fantastic piece of gear. I have 3 P1110s, which are dual-input monitors. For my left and right monitors, I connect their first inputs to the TripleHead2Go, and the second inputs directly to my computer (to my main video card's secondary out and to a secondary cheap video card's only out). Then I set the TripleHead2Go's desktop resolution to a single-monitor resolution that matches the other monitors.

When I game in TripleHead, I switch the left and right monitor inputs. When I come back to the desktop, I switch them back the other way.
Max   2006-05-12 08:16
Is this already for sale or what
Max   2006-05-13 10:35
> Joe 2006-05-11 09:04
> TripleHead2Go works great with three monitors for gaming,

> JOHN 2006-05-07 11:45
> Wouldn't it be easy to have either matrox Dual or Triple head 2 go box??

wtf ?
Joe   2006-05-23 05:53
Nope, not for sale yet. Originally listed with an "end of April" availibility, Matrox's site now lists mid-May as purchase time (despite the fact that mid-May is now over).

I would expect it soon, though.
SG07   2007-06-11 22:19
@ Joe:
did you try to use a newer software version with the feature called "desktop devider"?

If you don't like this you could also try the similar feature from Nvidia called "Gridlines":
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox dual or triple Head to GO.....

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