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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Full Screen Apps!!
John Kim   2006-05-08 01:04
I am having an issue running multiple full screen applications on seperate monitors. Currently I need to run a certain full screen applications seven times on seven different monitors, without cloning.. can anyone help me?

Christian Studer   2006-05-08 09:53
What's the application you need to run fullscreen?

Christian Studer -
Josh   2006-05-08 13:33
Typically speaking that wouldn't be an issue if you actually have 7 monitors plugged in and working.

The issues involved in this are goign to be related to the application in question. Normally you'd just open the application 7 times and move them onto the desired monitors. Some applications won't allow multiple instances of themselves though.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Full Screen Apps!!

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