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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> change active monitor with ONE button
david   2006-05-10 00:38
I want to use F12 to change the active monitor.

So if i press F12 montiro nr 2 is active and if i press again monitor 2 gets active.

Is that possible if so.. how ?
Christian Studer   2006-05-10 09:06
Would you want to have the other monitor disabled?

Christian Studer -
david   2006-05-10 09:33
no.. not disabled .. i still want to use that monitor at the same time.
Josh   2006-05-10 17:58
Then what do you mean by active? I mean the monitors are always active. So by active do you mean you want the mouse placed on them? Because you can do that easy.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> change active monitor with ONE button

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