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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Black shadows when moving icons on desktop
Val   2006-05-12 23:20
Running Windows XP; two mintors; when I move (drag) icons around on the desktop; i get black trails all across the desktop. Eventually they disappear when I put the mouse over them, but is is very annoying. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks
ECarlson   2006-05-13 03:18
What OS and SP, what video cards, what video drivers, what hardware specs?

- Eric,
ECarlson   2006-05-13 03:19
OOPS, I see the OS, but all the other info would be helpful.

- Eric,
Josh   2006-05-13 05:58
Usually that would be caused by either incorrect or old video drivers. It could also be a sign the card is dying. Or it could be because a lot of other apps are running in the background. There are other thigns which could cause it but I think those are the most likely.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Black shadows when moving icons on desktop

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