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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Mouse (or human interface device) + Dual Monitor
TomG   2006-05-15 13:47
I have one computer that I want to have dual monitors attached. One monitor has a USB touch screen which I would like to use to just access a program (Xlobby) that does a super nice graphical interface for a music/video library. The free program Xlobby ( has a setup for selecting which video card to use as a display so that part should be easy. The problem.. Is is possible to assign the touch screen or a seperate mouse to only a certain video display ? The idea here is to still allow me to use the computer while my wife selects and listens to music from the second display without touch screening the main display that I am using.
Thanks, Tom
ECarlson   2006-05-15 13:54
Where do you get a monitor with an LCD touch screen?

- Eric,
ECarlson   2006-05-15 14:06
I meant USB Touch screen. Where's that darn Edit button? :-)

- Eric,
TomG   2006-05-16 11:22
It is actually a Keytec Magic Touch USB LCD monitor overlay ( ). Works great and was a lot cheaper (ebay slightly used) than a 17" LCD monitor with touch screen interface built in.

Tom :)
ECarlson   2006-05-16 13:41
Thanks for the info and the URL.

- Eric,
TomG   2006-05-17 10:27
I think I finally found what I was after

This appears to allow me to run multiple keyboards, mice, and displays off of one computer so each user can run different programs. The down side is it cost $100.00 per user. Luckly I only need one user for my appilcation but it is still a bit of $$.

Nino   2006-07-01 12:22
Yeah, the name of their product is Betwin 2000/XP. I've successfully used it to create a 5 user Internet Cafe PC out of a single AMD XP 2000 w/256mb, 1 agp gf mx200 + 4 pci gf mx400. The beauty of this thing is that it has been running 12 hours/day for 4 years with absolutely no problem (pounded by hundreds fo users every day.)
N3twork   2006-07-10 06:33
Anyone know if there is a free alternitave to this application?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Mouse (or human interface device) + Dual Monitor

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