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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitors for Cisco VPN?
Sam Limerick   2006-05-17 06:55
I use VPN 3.5.1 (Cisco) and am wondering if anyone has been able to use multiple monitors?


Sam Limerick
ECarlson   2006-05-17 10:22
In what way do you mean? A VPN is just a secure data connection, and normally has no relation to monitors.

- Eric,
Sam Limerick   2006-05-18 02:25
I connect from a home PC to a PC at the office, using Cisco's VPN software and "Net Support Manager" software. What I want to do is use dual monitors at home while connected to the office PC. I am about to get a new work PC which will have a video card that supports 2 monitors (2 DVI connector outlets), and my home PC has same. Will this be possible?

Thanks, Sam

Sam Limerick
ECarlson   2006-05-18 03:22
So it is really NetSupport Manager that you are asking about. I don't know if it supports multi monitors. Did you ask the company that makes it? There was an earlier thread here about various remote control apps and multi-monitor support.

I think the one that actual says it will support multi-monitors is PCAnywhere, but it is expensive, especially when compared to free VNC and Remote Desktop, and the inexpensive RAdmin.

If you want to spend the money, PCAnywhere should work fine via a VPN connection. I use Remote Desktop, Citrix, and RAdmin via VPN with no problems, but also (sadly) with no multi-monitor support.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitors for Cisco VPN?

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