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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Running games on secondary computer
Jerry   2006-05-21 23:18
On my primary computer's desktop;I have shortcuts to my games. Is there any way, without making my secondary monitor primary,to run a games on the secondary monitor? When I switch monitors,secondary to primary and back after playing game,it gets messy. I get error message(explorer has encountered an error). The desktop goes into safe mode.(white screen with questions). I have to restart my computer.

Christian Studer   2006-05-22 08:21
Most games will only run on the primary monitor in fullscreen mode, one thing you could do is run the game in windowed mode if supported by the game.

Christian Studer -
Josh   2006-05-23 13:13
Basicly the best option is to run in windowed mode. Which isn't as bad as you might think. If you run in windowed mode you could even write a script for it that would position the monitor on the second screen in such a way that all borders wouldn't be visible. Thus it would look like full screen. You could even set a hotkey in ultramon to lock the mouse to the window, so that you don't accidently run the mouse out of the game while playing.

Although most newer games do let you pick which video card you'd like to run the game on. In which case simply point it to the video card which the monitor is connected to. Please note, if you have 2 or more outputs on a single video card the game will simply list the video card twice with the same name(or for as many outputs as you have). So just pick the other one to get it on the other monitor. Although this only applies to newer games and even then not all of them.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Running games on secondary computer

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