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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tripple Monitors - 2 Landscape & 1 Portrait
Tommy B   2006-05-28 08:32
I'm running a spanned 2560 x 1024 (dual 1280 x 1024 displays) desktop via an AGP NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 on a pair of 19" CRTs monitors.

My dilema, is that I want to add a 19" portrait LCD monitor to the mix, so as to obtain a (2560 x 1024) + (1024 x 1280) desktop.

The idea I presently have, is to add a DVI PCI card to the mix for the LCD monitor. But can anyone confirm if this configuration, can in fact work!?
ECarlson   2006-05-28 12:16
As long as there are no conflicts, it will work in extended deskop mode, but not in spanned mode.

- Eric,
Tommy B   2006-05-28 18:07
Thanks for the reply, Eric.

Could you explain the difference between NVIDIA's 'spanned' desktop, and Windows' 'extended' desktop!? If memory serves me correctly, doesn't Windows' extended mode work in the same way as NVIDIA's spanned desktop, in that they both extend the resolution of the primary display onto multiple monitors - thus extending the desktop!?
ECarlson   2006-05-29 03:40
Spanned mode fools windows into thinking two (or more) monitors are really one large monitor. With regular Windows Extended Desktop mode, windows sees each monitor as an individual monitor, and can use it's own multi-monitor capabilities.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Read through the threads for many discussions about the two modes.

For regular office apps, web browsing, etc., I think the regular Extended Desktop mode is best, and it is the only mode I use, but Spanned mode might be better for some gaming and video purposes.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tripple Monitors - 2 Landscape & 1 Portrait

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