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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultimate Multi-Monitor System
Christian Studer   2001-07-28 15:11
Nvidia GeForce3, GeForce2 MX PCI, Windows 2000: read all the details here.

Christian Studer
barichello   2001-08-03 22:55
have you tried the 14.20 drivers yet to get multi-monitor opengl on the geforce 3? Maybe that will work?
Christian Studer   2001-08-04 03:55
I tried them, results were the same unfortunately. I will test again as soon as newer drivers are available.

Christian Studer
barichello   2001-08-06 08:13
Newer drivers!


(just wanted to let you know it)
Christian Studer   2001-08-06 09:05
Thanks for letting me know. Still doesn't work though: the apps don't crash at startup anymore, but they only show a blank window. Sort of an improvement...

Christian Studer
Greg Howell   2001-08-11 01:26
I've been running a Asus GeForce3 v8200 deluxe as a primary with a GF2 MX400 secondary for a while now with pretty good results. I've been using powerstrip to give some added control, and that adds some improvements over the normal windows switching, notably in speed and conveninence.

I've had to use the Nvidia 12.90 reference drivers as the Asus ones simply don't work for gaming, but I have not been able to install any vidcap drivers under 98. The Nvidia WDM drivers lock my system just as the secondary monitor is initilising. Remove the drivers and it's fine. You obviously never encountered this problem.

Asus CUSL2 PIII 733 512MB
V8200 deluxe GF3 AGP
Powercolor GF2 MX400 PCI
win98 (NOT SE)
Viewsonic 17' via DSUB
Philips 17' via BNC
Christian Studer   2001-08-11 01:40
I didn't test video capture on Win98, only Win2000.

BTW, do you also have the problem with a third monitor showing up in Display Properties? I had this on Win98/Me using the 12.41 Nvidia drivers.

Christian Studer
Greg Howell   2001-08-11 13:05
Yep. I tried a few things to get rid of that extra monitor, but couldn't get rid of it. It's probably something to do with the Twinview capabilities of the drivers. It thinks because you're using multiple monitors you must be using a single twinview card. That means there should be another (virtual) adaptor inserted, and because you are in fact already using two physical adaptors, you end up with a phantom extra one.
Jim Bergman   2001-08-19 20:34
Which processor are you using. I plan on getting a new system with the P4 2.0GHz to be released Aug. 27 and have been told that you cannot use more than one video card with the P4. This comes from an engineer who writes for only the top engineering trade journals and often on computer matters.

Jim Bergman
Christian Studer   2001-08-20 00:06
I used a dual P2-400 with the BX chipset.

The original version of the i850 chipset for the P4 had problems with PCI video cards. I don't know if this bug has already been fixed. See ZDNet for more information on this issue.

Christian Studer
@hlon   2001-08-20 05:46
As far as i am aware. that PCI bug has has not been fixed, and at the moment is left as that it wont be fixed - it even survived into the release of the i860 as well, which came out a good 8 months after the bug was acknowledged as the reason for the month long delay in originally releasing the P4. Good one intel, delay it for a month, release it anyway, then dont fix it even in case where youve had plenty of chance before release. Guess my name gives away my preference :P
Christian Studer   2001-09-11 00:52
Update for Detonator 21.81 drivers: there is still no OpenGL acceleration on all monitors with the GeForce3 + GeForce2 MX.

If the GeForce3 is enabled, there is no option 'Enable Advanced Multiple Monitors' on the OpenGL tab. With the GeForce3 disabled, I can enable advanced multimon and get acceleration on both GeForce2 MX cards, same as with the 12.41 drivers.

Christian Studer
barichello   2001-09-17 02:08
How about directX applications?
Is it possible to move direct3d windows from one monitor to another? does this also support the new 'pixel/vertex shaders' of directx 8?
e.g. you have a geforce 3 on one monitor and you're running the 'chameleon demo' from nvidia which uses the programmable processor of the geforce 3. when you move it to a monitor with a geforce 2, will directX automatically change to software emulation, or will it just crash?
Christian Studer   2001-09-17 03:32
You can move a DirectX window to a secondary monitor, no problem. As far as I can tell, what happens is that the GeForce3 keeps doing the rendering, then copies the rendered scene to the display with the window. This of course reduces frame rate quite a bit.

Christian Studer
Mat S   2002-01-03 06:40
Hi Chris, I've been tearing my hair out for weeks now trying to get my second monitor to happen, and CAN'T
my spex are:
Dual 1GHZ pIII, 512MB ram
abit vp6 main board,
gForce3-agp-MAG 21" monitor
gForce2mx-pci-NEC xv17" monitor.
I've updated the mainboard drivers, latest 4 in 1 service pak, got the latest drivers for both cards-(tried both from LeadTek and Nvidia), some forums tell me abit mainboard chipsets (apollo) don't handle two monitors, but I don't believe it,,,,,
Before updating the mainboard drivers, when I installed the gF2, the second mon would flicker & go black after a minute, which would freeze the 'puter.
Now when I install the gF2 and restart, I get a message that says "could not finnish installation, files are invalid"....have you any idea what I can do?, is there something in the BIOS I need to look at?........
Please help!! hope u don't mind.....
Christian Studer   2002-01-03 10:48
If you haven't already done this, try installing the same Nvidia reference drivers for both cards. Uninstall all current drivers, reboot, then run the Nvidia driver setup, this will install the correct drivers for both cards.

Christian Studer -
Jon   2002-01-03 11:59
In my search for driver loading sucess I have had some luck using safe mode to uninstall and reinstall drivers. On my Nvidia geforce 3 Ti 500 I had to use the registered drivers but got away with the newer unregistered 23.11's on both my secondary PCI geforce 2 MX 400's

Mat S   2002-01-03 16:57
Thanks for the response, but I'm using the 23.11's now. I tried seperate drivers from LeadTek (one installer for each card)which didnt work either so's I uninstalled 'em and went back to the 23.11 drivers.
I was reading on microsofts multi mon page that you need to disable the default vga drivers by way of a lil' switch or jumper pins on the pci card,,I noticed that the gF2mx has a pair of pins on it, maybe that'll work (I'll use a pair of pliers and twist 'em together---joke)...
Mat S.
JimO   2002-05-19 04:39
I have an ABIT KT7 board...900 MHz T Bird. 256 PC 133 RAM and a GeForce3 Ti 200 AGP card. I bought a Geforce4 MX420 PCI card and when i put it in, the computer won't even boot. The hard drive light stays on and the monitors won't do anything. I have been in the BIOS and told it to look in the PCI card slots first for a VGA card. It still won't work. Has anyone else had this problem? let me know PLEASE!!
eric   2002-07-31 08:29

i got a gforce 3 ti500 tv-out i cant see my windows in my tv and it display double in ms dos mode. Yeah i can go to my windows with my tv but it double and it 640*480 and 256 color only way to see about my windows

someone help me with that shit off card

i got a k7 600 mhz, 400 meg ram, msi gforce 3 ti 500

Huseyin   2002-08-06 23:18
hi i have a geforce2 mx 400 and when i was running winME i had the two pictures and the twinview options! i have upgraded to xp and also my drivers and have just purchased the wires and so on it all wrks fine when i switch to tv but i wanna do both and the pictures of the twinview and so on have disappeared? i cant see the options in the display properties but i know it used to be their!
Huseyin   2002-08-07 00:00
ignore this i made a topic
ben   2003-04-23 02:59
i bought geforce2 mx400
i already have an onboard intel graphic controler that i cant physiclly remove i disabled this and installed the card
nothing happens when i plug the monitor into the geforce card
if i plug the monitor into the intel port it works but at a very low graphic setting it then installs the intel graphic controller again without me telling it and reboots i then plug it into the gforce card and it works.
it says i have 2 monitors 1 powered by the gforce and 1 powered by the intel but when i try and run games it uses the intel does anyone know how to remove an onboard video card?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultimate Multi-Monitor System

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