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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Lock mouse withing desktop + moving mouse to next :(
Christoffer   2006-05-29 09:30
Hey all!

I'm trying to configure my computer to work like this. Have 2 monitors and using dual view. What I want is to lock my mouse within the active monitor/dektop. I want this since im getting really annoyed that my cursor moves to the next window, when i want to close an application or for example scroll in a browser.

I saw i could put hotkeys to fix this. I added one to "lock" the mouse withing, and added one to move my mouse to next monitor. The problem is, i cant have the lock enabled, when moving my mouse. If i do, my mouse never leaves the screen :)

Any suggestions how to fix this? With and without Ultramon :)
ECarlson   2006-05-29 13:35
Can you make a macro for the hotkey to unlock, move, and relock?

There was a thread about this issue a while back, and some of us didn't understand the need for locking a mouse to a monitor, because we never had any issues with the mouse and multiple monitors, but others said they experienced issues similar to yours. There might have been some additional solutions in that thread.

If you don't mind, can you explain in more detail the dual-monitor mouse issues you are experiencing that makes you desire mouse locking, so I can try to understand the issue better? Is it only for certain apps that the problem occurs?

- Eric,
Christoffer   2006-05-29 20:48
>> Can you make a macro for the hotkey to unlock, move, and relock?

I've posted a new thread about this in the SDK-forum. I have no clue how to trigger built-in actions in scripts.

It's not a technical issue, its more a cosmetic. Im used to single screen. And with only one screen, you can throw up your cursor to the top-right corner to close an application.

But because my cursor flies over to the next monitor, Im having problems closing my apps, or scrolling when im surfing. Stuff like that.

Thats why a screen lock is great, since I dont have to "relearn" myself to focus on precision. It takes time to focus on putting your cursor on the X, instead of throwing it up. Its a cognitive thing :)

But, when the lock is enabled, how do i move my mouse to the next monitor? At the moment i have to go:

CTRL+ALT+W <- disable the screenlock
CTRL-ALT-RIGHT_ARROW <- move mouse to next screen
CTRL+ALT+W <- enable the screenlock again

What would be perfect, would have a script, or something, that would do this. Each time i go CTRL+ALT+RIGHT_ARROR, i just move my mouse to the next screen, but still have the lock enabled.

If this is possible, im sure other than just me would LOVE it :)
Christoffer   2006-05-29 21:04
As a comment, i just saw that the hotkey is "Lock mouse to primary monitor" and not the active. So creating a script that used built-in actions wouldnt solve it.
ECarlson   2006-05-30 13:25
I suppose that's one reason I never had an issue: I don't often run apps full-screen, so I'm not "expecting" any controls to be in the corners or at the edges of the monitors, so I'm always mousing in "precision" mode.

- Eric,
MC   2007-07-26 12:27
> If you don't mind, can you explain in more detail the dual-monitor mouse issues you are experiencing that makes you desire mouse locking, so I can try to understand the issue better? Is it only for certain apps that the problem occurs?

You need the mouse to not move between monitors when you don't want to use the other monitor with the mouse. For example, a 24/7 machine using GBPVR/BeyondTV/MediaPortal out to a TV, meanwhile the other computer display acts as a normal workstation. People like myself would be doing this if it wasn't such a painful hassle dealing with bad video drivers, etc.

I have yet to find a proper solution for my Geforce 7800GS. If I use Dualview, applications don't launch maximized properly. And there is no way to properly keep the cursor in one screen, because all the locking methods I've tried don't lock the mouse in the proper place. The mouse should be able to click the X of a maximized window when moved all the way to the top-right corner of the display.
MC   2007-10-13 15:49
I've tried mousejail, multimoncursorlock, mousetrap, and mouselock. They all suck at different things and do not get the job done.

I'm begging here now, I'm desperate. Please help us out and add a "Lock mouse to monitor" option somewhere in Ultramon! The feature is already in there, just give us the option to enable it! PLEASE!!! :(
MC   2007-10-13 15:53
Edit: I just noticed that the ultramon method of mouse locking has the same problem as the Mousetrap one: they both let the cursor into the other screen.

So even though it keeps the mouse on one screen for the workstation user, it still strays into the other screen. This is a problem because video playing apps like gbpvr will pop up a GUI when the mouse moves over them.
MC   2007-10-13 16:39
I've re-tried each app and found that multimoncursorlock and mousejail both lock the mouse in such a way that the cursor does not jitter across the boundary.

But they are also both useless in their current form because they only run attached to a discrete application, and they lose focus when you click. So they don't do the job.
Christian Studer   2007-10-14 08:01
Did you try using a margin for the 'Lock mouse to primary monitor' hotkey?

Christian Studer -
jeffx   2007-10-29 15:12
I'm in the exact same boat as topic creator. Please help us!
Snake   2008-01-22 05:25
several months ago, the OP, "MC", contacted me about this feature request and I added the ability to lock the mouse to one screen independent of what window had focus to my Cursor Lock app. if anyone else needs a fix for the described behavior, you should try my app. it's available here:

and it's way better than any other mouse locking program, i assure you.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Lock mouse withing desktop + moving mouse to next :(

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