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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> More Productive - Two 21" or One 24" Monitor?
Albert   2006-06-02 21:51
Since price is about the same which is considered a more productive setup;
purchasing two 21" monitors or a single 24"?

Have never used a two monitor setup but I can see the advantage of having
two separate applications at full screen has an advantage over having to
resize windows to fit in a larger 24" workspace. Is that correct? Do others
Tantalus   2006-06-03 04:02
>>I can see the advantage of having
two separate applications at full screen has an advantage over having to
resize windows to fit in a larger 24" workspace.

that is correct, and it's my thinking also.

except for very certain apps or use, maximizing windows on a widescreen just results in 'wasted' display real-estate. while it's possible to subdivide a single display into grids using various software, that requires a lot of setup,etc. i'd rather not fuss as much with setting up stuff and spend more time actually *using* the system. :-)

for a single display system, a widescreen lcd is preferred over a standard lcd (if you can stomach the hassle of sometimes having to fiddle with the unusual resolution), but for multi-display systems, widescreen lcds aren't all they're cracked up to be and not worth their added cost imo, unless all you plan to do with it is play dvds or games.
Wade   2006-06-21 07:25
You will be better off with two 21" then one 24" for running multiple applications. I have a 24" and the resolution is 1920x1200. Two 20" at 1600x1200 will give you 1280x1200 more screen space. You would be able to dispaly 1080i HD on the 24" over 720p HD on the 20", but for DVD there will be no difference in resolution, just a bigger image on the 24". If your not working at being productive and just play single monitor games and watch videos, get the single 24".
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> More Productive - Two 21" or One 24" Monitor?

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