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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor + TV out; profiles problem
Tecnoworld   2006-06-05 01:57
Hello all, I've got a system configured as follows:

laptop PC with enbedded display (primary)
second LCD display connected through VGA
TV connected through S-Video out. video card is an ATi Mobility 7500 64MB.

I'd like to configure the profiles so that I can switch to one of the following configurations, w/o having to browse through screen properties every time:

1) single monitor (laptop one)
2) extended desktop (laptop + lcd)
3) tv (just TV screen is on, other displays are off)

I can do the 1 and 2 easily, but I can't do #3. If I select TV profile when I'm in 1 or 2, then the system simply swithces to 800x600 res, but stays on my laptop monitor.

Is there a workaround for this issue?

Christian Studer   2006-06-05 08:15
Are you trying to do this with UltraMon?

UltraMon won't be able to switch the second output between monitor and TV, you would need to do this manually.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor + TV out; profiles problem

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