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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors 3 keyboards and mice.
n3twork   2006-06-11 13:50
Is this possible?
I have never read anything about this on windows 2000 but I would like to know if it is possible.
Thomas   2006-06-13 01:39
Its not possible, because windows has just one mouse cursor ;) and combines all mouse events.
n3twork   2006-06-13 13:14
Why does that not suprise me...
ECarlson   2006-06-13 13:42
Yes, you can. But you have to buy a 3rd party app to make it happen. The app has been discussed here a few times, but I don't remember the name at the moment.

- Eric,
doh!   2006-07-15 17:09
Yeah you can.
We use synergy to share one keyboard/mouse across as many computers and screens as you want.
And use standard nvidia drivers for all the multi monitor stuff
ECarlson   2006-07-16 01:03
I think this person wants to do the opposite of Synergy. They want to run 3 of everything from one computer.

- Eric,
Tom   2006-07-21 12:33
the program is CPN Mouse
ECarlson   2006-07-22 01:58
I was under the impression that he wanted each monitor/keyboard/mouse to be a separate user, so I was thinking of another program that we have discussed here a few times.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2006-07-22 14:28
If the person wants to have 3 users connected to a single computer, using 3 separate sets of monitor + keyboard + mouse, then BeTwin is the only app I am currently aware of that does that, and it is $99 per user. You can use the forum search to see past discussions about BeTwin.

I have never used BeTwin, so I don't have any information other than what you can find on their web site and through searching.

- Eric,
Josh   2006-07-23 04:34
I don't think Betwin is really what he wants because that orks by just having multiple users on the same system. It essentially hacks some core DLL's and allows you to open four terminal sessions. It's works basicly exactly like remote desktop does but locally. In other words if you use it you'd have to login using 3 diffrent accoutns to get three mice and keyboards, but then each would be entirely independate of each other and could never cross into the others screens.

As for VPNmouse, well it kind works, but it only covers the mouse, it's incredibly shaking, crashes all the time and really its just tricking you As the windows API only allows one cursor at a time. All it does is give you two cursors but you can only click with one at a time. Which ever one you click with it just brings the real mouse to that spot and does the click. If you click both at the same time you'll crash the program or if it's working well it will just pick one at random and pretend the click came from there.
ECarlson   2006-07-23 09:51
Only the original poster knows what they actually wanted, and unfortunately, they haven't replied yet.

- Eric,
n3twork   2006-07-23 16:50
Sorry about long wait for replies. What I would ultimately like to do is to have one mouse per monitor (more about hte mouse then the keyboard). VPNMouse appears to solve this issue the goal would be to use lcd's with usb touch screens I'll have to try vpnmouse to see how it works.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors 3 keyboards and mice.

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