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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Vista Beta 2 Wallpaper Flip
Shannon   2006-06-17 13:48
I am using Vista Beta 2 Build 5384. I have an NVIDIA 7500GT with two identical 19" flat screens that are in a Dual View setup.
My problem is the wallpaper that spans both monitors are being flipped around.
When I try to set it thru ultramon or just the regular windows desktop background tool.
It looks normal when it is selected in ultramon and windows.

Any Ideas??
Thonluil   2006-06-18 00:07
I'm having the same problem and don't seem to find any solutions for it. Could it have something to do with the vista shell?
Shannon   2006-06-18 02:05
Pretty sure it is vista since ultramon is presenting it the proper way. One thing I did figure out is that Vista had my monitors backwards.
If you go into Display Settings and click Identify Monitors is it correct?
For me it was not, it said monitor 1 was on the left and monitor two was on the right in the little display setting screen, but when you clicked identify monitors it was the opposite.
I dragged the monitor 1 to the right and made monitor 2 which is on the left my primary and it was fixed.
Thonluil   2006-06-18 03:26
The thing is: it works on my desktop with a 7600GT and it doens't on my laptop here, where i study. I live in Brussels and Louvain (BE) and I needed a laptop for university.
I got an extra monitor for my laptop because i couldn't miss the advantage of using two screens and i can't get my video card working the way it should, that is: I can't select a primary or secondary which really sucks, so I have to use a video driver that isn't designed for my video card.
Either way, i'm pretty happy about being able to use Vista in a decent way on my laptop, the thing actually isn't worth a thing. It only has 448MB ram (because of dedicated video memory), but still Vista's running smoothly with no glitches, guess Vista likes my laptop...
Either way, thanks for the advice, i'll just have to be satisfied with photoshopping my favorite wallpapers to half their size and placing them the other way around in UltraMon.
Christian Studer   2006-06-18 06:45
This is a compatibility issue with Vista, happens if you have monitors positioned to the left of the primary.

Will be fixed in the first Vista-compatible release of UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Deam   2007-08-08 01:41
I still have the flipped issue with the final release of Vista. Is there anything I can do to fix it?
Dicion   2008-07-10 11:17
I still have this problem as well.

My Primary monitor, monitor #1. is to the right of my secondary monitor, #2.
Christian Studer   2008-07-12 11:44
Dicion, this issue was fixed in 3.0 Beta 1.

Christian Studer -
henry   2009-12-30 10:42
negative. Still an issue.
Christian Studer   2009-12-31 00:10
Which version of UltraMon are you using? Works fine for me with 3.0.8.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Vista Beta 2 Wallpaper Flip

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