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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tri Monitor Setup For FS 2004
Pierre   2006-06-18 21:22
Hello fellow multi monitor enthusiast. I've just upgraded to two nVidia 7600GT's and two Dell 2007 WFP LCD's. I also have a 19" Syncmaster.

I'm trying to span the FlightSim view across all three monitors for that panoramic look, but to no avail. All I can manage is to span the view over two of the monitor's, but I can open panels and drag them onto the third monitor. But that's not what I want!

If I butt the two widescreens together, in horizontal span mode, I get a great wide view, but the cockpit is in the center of the two monitors, thus, each edge of each monitor cuts right through the center of the cockpit and gauges, making rather difficult to see down the runway and fly! Of coarse, some plane's panels are situated differently, so some aren't affected as bad as others.

Here's my desire, and can it be done? Three monitors for FlightSim, with the center monitor full with the planes cockpit, than, left and right side views showing on the other two monitors?

Thanxs in advance.


Urban   2006-06-20 16:58
If you get a matrox triple head to go you could do it
Paul   2006-06-22 23:39
Just open two more windows in fs2004 using the [ key go to window mode then drag each new window to a monitor and choose your view.keep it in window mode or full screen mode both work.
Urban   2006-06-23 12:17
Just got my triple head2go and i love it

gone from 1280*1024 to 3840*1024 resolution 3 19" monitors, th2go tricks your computer into thinking
you just have one massive monitor

I cant really tell much difference in framerates
and im using a single 7800gt

th2go rocks
Norm   2006-06-30 07:50

I read your post regarding triple head to go and Flight Sim.
I also just got one and was wondering if I could ask you question?

1)I cannot seem to go to window in flight sim, it hangs when I try to change from full screen mode. Are you able to use window mode?

I want to do this in able to drag some instrument screens to a 4th monitor which is connected to the other output of the video card.(dual head)

Thank you

Allan   2006-07-08 03:18
I am trying to get (3) 19" LCD to horizontally span using (2) 7600GT PCI-E and I am having same exact results as Flight sim user.

So what you guys are saying that its impossibl to do this except with the Matrox triple head to go box ? is that true?

I hope not cause I spent all that money on a new system with Dual PCI-E for that purpose , while I could have just spent $250 on the matrox deal
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tri Monitor Setup For FS 2004

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