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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Right Hand Monitor as Primary
Graham   2006-06-28 03:52
I have a 30" and a 23" monitor. The 30" requires a Dual Link DVI port which, by default is numebr 1 on my Nvidia card. I want to put the 30" as primary and place it on the right and the 23" as secondary and place it on the left. When I set it up this way, the mouse still behaves as if the right hand monitor is placed on the left. Is there any way to make the mouse either travel all the way around the sreens or reverse the travel of the mouse so that it behaves properly with this configuration... Again... Here is the config and Problem...

Monitor Number 1 - Primary Placed on RIGHT side of desk

Monitor Number 2 - Secondary Placed on LEFT side of the desk

Problem - Mouse Travels between monitors as if Number 1 was on left of desk.

Graham   2006-06-28 04:21
I figured it out! Nevermind this message
Seahorse   2006-06-28 06:12
I take it you figured out that you drag & drop monitors on screen properties then...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Rimsey   2006-07-05 04:52
Would you post the way you fixed this?

i have the same problem
N3twork   2006-07-10 06:30
Just go in your properties by rigth clicking on the desktop select settings then click on the monitor you want as primary and add a checkmark to use this as my primary monitor.
Mike   2006-08-03 16:26
This problem is amazingly frustrating for a first-time install that I think it is worthwhile stating the solution in different words:
Setting-up dual monitors requires that the monitor icons in the property dialog box to match the physical position of the monitors next to each other. The primary monitor must also be designated. If the position of the monitor icons is reversed, the mouse must travel from the outside of one monitor to the outside of the other monitor.
Thanks for posting a longer explanation.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Right Hand Monitor as Primary

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