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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP and PCI cards together
Norm   2006-06-30 07:55
Good day

I just installed geforce 5500 AGP dual head card on my system with XP.

I had to remove my ATI dual head as it would not work with my new Matrox triple head to go.

Anyway, since I installed this card, my PCI card has stopped working. There are no errors and device manager show the drivers as working fine.

The Geforce is working fine on both outputs but the single output on the PCI is not?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

MasteR   2006-07-07 04:04
Many PCI video cards need to be set as the primary video card in BIOS to initialise at startup. Otherwise, this could well be a driver conflict between ATI and nVidia drivers. There are a few cases in which this will stop one of the cards working. As i only have experiance with nVidia/nVidia and nVidia/SiS setups, someone else will be of more help. In the mean time, try setting the PCI card to primary in BIOS.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP and PCI cards together

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