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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Opening apps from XP task bar custom toolbar
Hans L   2006-07-03 03:38
When I open apps from a custom toolbar in the XP task bar, the apps always open in the main monitor (wher the custom tool bar is). Is there any way to create a toolbar in the UltraMon taskbar in the secondary monitor in order to open apps there? Or even better, is there any way to make apps open in the secondary monitor in the case described above?

Hans L
Christian Studer   2006-07-03 08:11
UltraMon currently doesn't support toolbar docking, but you could move a toolbar to the secondary monitor manually.

Most likely the applications would still open on the primary monitor though.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2006-07-03 09:09
Thanks, Christian. Could I use a script (like the sample script for NotePad)?

Hans L
Christian Studer   2006-07-04 10:31
That's possible, you could also configure custom position settings for each shortcut on the toolbar (shortcut properties > UltraMon - Window tab).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Opening apps from XP task bar custom toolbar

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