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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Sims 2 and other games not allowing edge scrolling
OLDMAN   2006-07-10 10:42
In sims 2 (maybe other games as well) uses edge scrolling. To pan the camera to the left or right you move the mouse the corresponding edge. When I load the sims 2 (on one monitor) the right edge (next to my second monitor) does not stop the mouse, and therefore I cannot scroll to the right. Anyone know how to fix this?

On a side note, when I load the sims 2 (on the left monitor) the right monitor's resolution gets screwed up. The back ground is not longer stretched to fill the screen and icons are out of place.

Christian Studer   2006-07-11 09:57
You could either disable the secondary monitor, or use UltraMon or MouseJail to lock the mouse to the primary monitor.

See the FAQ for more on the issue with the second monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Sims 2 and other games not allowing edge scrolling

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