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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP card working with PCI card
gmann   2006-07-13 23:25
Hello, any help would be greatly appreciated on this subject. We have a Dell Optiplex GX260 PC and would like to have 2 graphics card running. One of them is the 4 port XENTERA GT PCI graphics card and the other is the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro AGP graphics card. When both cards are running in the system they don’t seem to work together. The device manager does recognize the 2 graphics cards and the 4 monitors. The problem is that the Radeon card seems to work, but it only recognizes one of the other ports on the XENTERA card. We were wondering if this setup is possible, and what we would need to do to get them to work together correctly. The XENTERA card does have the ATI chipset. Thank you for your help.
ECarlson   2006-07-14 09:40
Were you able to get the XENTERA card running okay on its own? Have you tried putting it in a different PCI slot? Have you tried switching which is first in BIOS? Do you have the latest BIOS installed on the system.

- Eric,
gmann   2006-07-17 02:49
Thanks for the response. I did get both cards to work by themselves. I tried a different PCI slot with the same results. I tried switching the primary card in the BIOS from Auto to AGP with the same results. I believe that the BIOS is the latest version, but will double check on that.
gmann   2006-08-02 02:27
The latest version of the BIOS is on the PC.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP card working with PCI card

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