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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox triple head2go
Max   2006-07-17 18:49
Hello chaps

Did anyone of you who owns already the 3head2go tried to connect 3 monitors on the matrox and another monitor on the second port of the vga card ? Not to reach full 4 videos buffer overlay (Wich I assume it would work, since they are both on the same card) but, just the 4th monitor would work as an independent monitor ?
urban   2006-07-28 10:22
Basically the computer would see this as a dual monitor setup, so if it works for dual monitor it will work with a triple head2go with 3 monitors connected, and a single seperate monitor
n3twork   2006-07-28 14:54
In case that wasn't clear, the triple head to go will only create ONE desktop that is 3 desktops wide. So that's why you would get two displays one really wide one (somehting like a 4:1 ratio) and one normal 4:3
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox triple head2go

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