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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video showing advantages of multi-monitor-setup?
Tim   2006-07-18 02:14

I wanted to demonstrate the advantages of a multi-monitor-setup to someone by a video. I didn't manage to find one though, neither on Youtube or on Google Video (Keywords: "Multi monitor" etc.).

Anybody out there who has seen such a video online and could post a URL?


ECarlson   2006-07-18 10:18
The Matrox web site might have something since they have been in the multiple monitor business for a long time, and have lots of multi-monitor products.

You might also look for something from industries where multiple monitors have been common for a long time, like graphics, engineering, financial, and security, among others -- though since multiple monitors are already common in those fields, they might not need a reason to show why they are useful.

If you find anything good, please let us know.

- Eric,
Tim   2006-07-18 20:23
I already checked with the Matrox-Website - all they seem to have are some pix, but no videos. The best video I found is this

but it's low quality only.

ECarlson   2006-07-19 09:56
A quick Google search for - dual monitor demonstration - turned up this one too:

- Eric,
Tim   2006-08-01 03:10
Yes, I also found a bunch of those Maxivista-Videos. But i fear the two computers could baffle multimonitor-newbies, so I decided against them.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video showing advantages of multi-monitor-setup?

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