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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi- display for 3 monitors
Jay   2006-07-21 03:38

I have a graphic application that should run on two LCD monitors (Strech mode - one on top of the other) and a 9" monitor (BNC connector).
I've tryed several cards but could'nt find one that does what i need. I've tested today the Matrox Parhelia but it can only give me the strech mode for the two LCD's and a zoom function for the 9" monitor - If I move the window on the LCD it moves on the 9" and it's a problam. I need it to be a diffrent layer that is connected to the 9" and not visible on one of the LCD's.
The system is PCI-E and has more PCI 100 slots.

I'd highly appreciate to hear reccomendations for the configuration I need. maybe two cards?!

n3twork   2006-07-23 16:52
You could easily have one card running in dual view mode and have them stacked one on top of another (not in span mode) and have a second card to use the 9"
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi- display for 3 monitors

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